The Afromerican Project was founded in Chicago in 2006. The focus is to use music, literature and other forms of creativity to improve relationships between American Blacks and other African descendants living in the Americas; while placing the continent in a more positive light. The media far too often portrays only the negative side of Africa and alternatively, the portrayals of African Americans that are exported around the world through movies, music and media, also tend to be negative most of the time. The Afromerican Project serves the purpose of portraying a holistic perspective orAfrican existence that seldom makes the front page, while focusing on innovating solutions to problems in our communities.
The Afromerican Project produces media in the form of music and books that show the complexity and wonder of what it is to be of African descent. The term Afromerican is a combination of the terms Afro and American showing that there can be a shared identity for people born in America that have roots, recent or ancient, in Africa.
For more information visit the following links:
Reverb Nation
The Afromerican Project produces media in the form of music and books that show the complexity and wonder of what it is to be of African descent. The term Afromerican is a combination of the terms Afro and American showing that there can be a shared identity for people born in America that have roots, recent or ancient, in Africa.
For more information visit the following links:
Reverb Nation